Using evaluation for future planning
Find out what future planning involves, where to start and how to test your future plan.
Free cloud based productivity tools for registered charities
A short guide on what is currently available for charities from the two tech giants Microsoft and Google.
Evaluating Audience Impact
This resource will show you how to gather relevant information to demonstrate the difference that you make to your audiences.
Effective Evaluation Planning
A ten point guide to effective evaluation planning which will help with writing funding applications.
Effective Evaluation – Getting Started
This resource takes you through the basics of evaluation explaining why evaluation is important for museums.
Evidence Based Case for Funding
A guide on how to build an evidence-based case for funding applications.
Example Evaluation Plan
This example evaluation plan from a dementia awareness project will help you when it comes to projects and funding applications.
Framework for working in partnership
Use this resource to help you to take a planned and thoughtful approach to partnership development, to give the best chance of success for both partners.
Business Development: Forward Planning for Museums
Our guidance and set of templates to take museums step by step through the basics of forward planning.
E-learning: Fundraising
Learn about the essential legalities of fundraising for charities.