Resource category: Volunteer Recruitment

South West Museum Development Programme


Case Study – Engaging New Audiences and Volunteers through Handling Sessions at Clifton Suspension Bridge

This case study describes a pilot project funded by a Small Grant, to trial pop-up history handling sessions and to better understand the profile and preferences of visitors and non-visitors. 

Volunteer recruitment cycle

This visual guide will help you review, plan and implement your volunteer recruitment strategy.

Planning a volunteer open day

A guide for planning a successful volunteer open day, including a case study.

Volunteering advertising messages – good practice examples

Examples of advertising messages for volunteer opportunities from museums in the South West.

Case Study – Volunteer Diversity at Blandford Town Museum

A case study on increasing volunteer diversity at Blandford Town Museum, through a specialist programme.

Volunteering: Volunteer agreement template

A template for volunteer managers to adapt to use with their own volunteer team

Volunteering: Recruitment and retention guide

Use this guide to help you plan for recruiting new volunteers and retain your existing volunteers