Sustainable Volunteering

South West Museum Development Programme

Our Sustainable Volunteering Officer, Eleanor Moore, facilitates the implementation of good practice in all aspects of volunteering within museums.

Eleanor can support you with:

  • Specialist advice and support on volunteering, including ideas and inspiration
  • Tailored training sessions and regional workshops, through existing local networks, including the Museum Development Officer network and county network groups
  • Signposting to resources and up to date industry information
  • Brokerage of partnerships and project funding opportunities

Find out more

Museum Development South West Specialist Officers offer training on volunteering through our SW Museum Skills sessions and museum county networks.

Eleanor also leads the South West Museums Volunteering Forum.

If you would like more information on how we can support your museum’s volunteering programme, please get in touch.

Volunteering resources

Volunteering: Volunteer agreement template

A template for volunteer managers to adapt to use with their own volunteer team

Volunteering: Your safeguarding policy and safe working procedures

Our guide to safeguarding policies and safe working procedures when working with young volunteers

Volunteering: Recruitment and retention guide

Use this guide to help you plan for recruiting new volunteers and retain your existing volunteers