Resource category: Volunteering and Workforce

South West Museum Development Programme

Working with freelancers: How to write an effective freelance brief

A guide to writing a clear, realistic brief for a freelancer, and what to include

Working with freelancers: Principles checklist

A checklist demonstrating the key principles involved in commissioning and working with freelancers

Volunteering: Working with young volunteers – What to think about before you begin

Our guide to help you safely plan your work with young volunteers in your museum

Volunteering: Your safeguarding policy and safe working procedures

Our guide to safeguarding policies and safe working procedures when working with young volunteers

Volunteering: Volunteer agreement template

A template for volunteer managers to adapt to use with their own volunteer team

Volunteering: Where are you now? – Volunteer management checklist

Our checklist can help review your museum’s volunteer management and identify any gaps

Volunteering: Confidentiality and data protection guidelines template

Use our template to help produce confidentiality and data protection guidelines for volunteers for your museum

Volunteering: Writing a volunteer policy guide

Use this guide to help you write and review your museum’s volunteer policy

Volunteering: Recruitment and retention guide

Use this guide to help you plan for recruiting new volunteers and retain your existing volunteers

Volunteering: Further resources

Want to read more? Take a look at our recommendations for further reading to support you with volunteer management